Should Capital Punishment be Legal?

In the following essay I will explain my opinion about the legalization of capital punishment,  that is a penalty implented by the law, that consists in sentencing the criminal to death. The methods used can be Lethal injection is the sole method or electrocution. Moreover, in the movie “The Life of David Gale” is it shown the side effects of this punishment.
To start with, my position regarding this kind of punishment is completely negative, due to the fact that there is no one who has the right to decide whether a person can live or not  Moreover, judges and the legal authorities are not perfect, sometimes is common to make mistakes in this kind of procedures. In the movie The Life of David Gale, the main character was wrongfully accused of rape, the slowly destroyed his life even though he was innocent. This might be fiction, but the argument presented in the movie, are perfectly showing what mistake can cause in the life of someone.I am not in favour of people paying with their lives for a court failure. In addition, I think that life sentences is enough punishment and more fair than capital punishment.
However this penalty might have a positive side. For instance, if the court accuses the right criminal, the goverment can be sure about this person or people to not commit a crimme again. Furthermore, criminal may see the consequences far a worst due to the fact that the crime they are about to commit will be punished with their death. Finally for those who believe that criminal actiones should be paid for. In the case of homicide, the assassin being killed would be the retribution for his action.
In conclusion, i believe that capital punishment will not be the best solution for crimes due to the fact that it has a significant amount of flaws that should not be paid with the life of someone. In addition I find unethically the government committing a crime for the retribution of another, the low clearly says that it is illegal to kill someone and this duty if for everyone without exceptions.


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