Should education be education public?

Education is the process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge developing the power of reasoning and judgment and generally repairing others intellectually for mature life. This as an institution, provides a level which allows individuals to understand each other while coexisting. This means that nobody should be deprived of these rights. But why?
The first reason consists of how this institution influences in children’s growth, they learn to socialize since the very beginning, and that allows them to communicate and behave in society. Regarding this aspect, it is essential that primary and secondary education to be public. When Ishita Ttwari, Junior researcher at  Indian Council of Medical Research states “A person without education is a tree without roots, education enhances the ability of human mind [...] it touches all the spheres of life”. She correctly argues about the importance of this institution. Moreover kids learn social values and morality. Finally it changes human behaviour bringing a positive desirable change.
The other reason of why education should be public is due to the skills that it provides. On secondary and tertiary level,individuals are more mature. This is when the process of acquiring knowledge for work begins. For instance students learn how to debate, negotiate or solving problems of high complexity. Depriving the population who can not afford this high level of education should be illegal. Normally, individuals which applies for this educational level, depend on their family economically, consequently,  paying their education is beyond their possibilities. Moreover, when people have a complete education they have the capacity of applying to professional jobs, thus improving their quality life and also benefitting society itself.

In conclusion my opinion is that education should be fully free, from kindergarten to college, due to the fact that the right to education should not depend on economic individual's cases. If everyone had the opportunity of complete education, the country would not only develop economically due to all que qualified population but also it could have an intellectual growth in a country’s culture and individual knowledge.


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