Enviromental Manigment first term

In the first part of term we see many things about our Enviroment:
  • biomes
  • forms of care for our planet

What is a biome?
A biome is a large geographical area characterized by certain types of plants and animals. A biome is defined by the complex interactions of plants and animals with the climate, geology (rock formations), soil types, water resources, and latitude (position north or south on the globe) of an area.
 If you want to know more about what is a biome, in a form easier and more funny click in this page

Here yo can see a popplet with all the biomes that we see in this term.

Here we have one report of the amozon:
Here we have a Glogster about:
Forms of care of our planet:

here is a page that if you two steps you can receive many "green tips"
And then in the other part of the term we were working with Scrbble Maps and looking for information of population:
  • this is a Scribble Map with rankng of death and birth rates
  • this is a Scribble Map with some informaton about some countries.
Thank You for seeing my entry!!


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Mio Cid y Martín Fierro

Mío Cid

Cocinando con Dinosaurios!